How to evolve ideas?

One of trending topics these days is how to generate ideas. Ideas for innovations, ideas to create business model, ideas to improvise systems, ideas to spend weekends. Over a point we become saturated in terms of generating creative/innovative ideas.

First forgive me for using business as example; I can’t avoid it because I’m an entrepreneur and I can relate things with business easily.

Let me start with this famous quote

“You have one dollar and I’ve one dollar, when we exchange the dollar we go home with one dollar each. Where as when you have one idea and I’ve one idea and when we exchange those ideas we get back with two ideas each”…

Likewise life is full of sharing and helping. What is the use in keeping ideas within ourselves and make it die. If we are unable to make use of our ideas, we can share it with someone who can make use of it, at least we have the contention that our idea is alive somewhere…

Let us take some cases for example and analyze them:

Facebook: Is unique or innovating concept? Definitely not, then how come Facebook is able to win the race amongst other Social Networking Websites… The answers is simple, Facebook opened itz doors to community (users and developers) to develop their own application by giving API’s. This created revolution; people started these API and developed business model’s, created application for their hobbies etc. We can attribute the success of Facebook to co-creation and colloboration…

Open Source Movement: This is one movement which revolutionized the entire technology space. The concept is simple, share everything and allow others to collaborate and co-create. This has created huge opportunities and lots of entrepreneurs were born with the platform this movement has created.

Twitter: It all started by Jack Dorsey who wanted to know what his friends were doing… They created a proto type and collected feedback from friends and other interested contributors and incorporated new features from others into the system… Finally was launched… Click here to know more on how twitter originated…

Other important aspect is even twitter allows community participation my sharing their API’s, which allows people to play around with the system… Twitter has quickly emerged as one of the happening sites in the cyber space…

Google Calendar:  Even Google calendar evolved in the same lines of twitter… It was first developed by a Google developer to map his appointments, seeing this his peers also showed interest and he shared it with his peers… Google innovation lab immediately took note of it and allowed him to work on the project… Click here to read the “Road map to Google Calendar”…

To get more ideas or evolve ideas we must share, collaborate and co-create… Remember

“Every new idea is a joke… Until one man achieves it..!”

Likewise start contributing to others idea and help co-create or form a team which is open is sharing ideas and help you to groom and nourish your ideas… But please don’t keep your ideas within yourself and allow it die… Who knows world would have missed great innovation if you did so…

So please Share! Collaborate! Co-create…